Friday, April 4, 2008

Promising News from Des Moines


Governor Culver's office responded to this afternoon's optimistic REC (Revenue Enhancement Conference) forecast by calling for increased funding for community colleges, private colleges, and libraries!

I've pasted my copy of the press release into the bottom of this message. As you read it, be pleased that the massive grassroots reaction to the governor's proposed 18% reduction in state funding for library service has had an impact. However, the job is only half done. The next few weeks will see intense negotiations to determine how the additional $80 million identified by the REC will be allocated.

Before the weekend is out, each of my local legislators will receive a message from me asking that they use the newly available funds to restore funding for the State Library, the LSAs and direct aid.

For your legislator's contact information, visit

For other government resources, visit

Our lobbyists are monitoring the situation very closely. Please stay tuned for further developments.

Meanwhile, congratulations to all of you who have worked so hard on these issues over the past few months. Your emails, phone calls, conversations, and letters have clearly had an impact. Let's keep up the pressure until we finally close the deal!


Michael J. Dargan
Chair, ILA Government Affairs Committee

From: Press Release from Iowa Governor's Office [] Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 12:47 PMTo: Press Release from the Governor's OfficeSubject: Statement from Governor Culver on New REC Numbers OFFICE OF THE GOVERNORGovernor Chet Culver « Lt. Governor Patty Judge FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEApril 4, 2008 Contact: Brad Anderson (515) 281-0173 STATEMENT FROM GOVERNOR CULVER ON NEW REC NUMBERS
Below is a statement from Governor Chet Culver on the new REC budget numbers released today: GOVERNOR CULVER'S STATEMENT: "Today's reports demonstrate our efforts to create good jobs and strengthen Iowa's economy are showing results. Compared to the nation at large, Iowa's economy is in good shape and our employment numbers remain strong. I remain confident we can, in a fiscally responsible way, keep our commitments to educate our children, care for our veterans, seniors and Iowans with health insurance needs, invest in our energy independence and protect our environment. I also am cautiously optimistic we can continue our focus on Iowa's workforce by investing some additional resources in community colleges, private colleges, and libraries. "Most importantly, we have to always keep our commitment to fiscal responsibility. I call upon the legislature to resist the temptation to spend all of the newly identified funds and for all of us to ensure the state is prepared for future economic conditions by fully funding rainy day funds and reserves." ###